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Add a menu and a help file. Be able to reproduce a note.

Ana , 05.04.2013, 11:05
Response from the site administrator
SlySoftware, 05.04.2013
Thank you for the suggestion. There should be a basic help file included with the software already. A menu, a playback feature, and an extension allowing you to put an image of sheet music into the software, and it will play the music for you while showing what keys on the piano/keyboard you need to press to get the note being played. I want to make EasyTune and all in one solution.

The next release of EasyTune will probably be in late June, The price of EasyTune 2.0 will be $9.99
Idea status: scheduled


Ted King, 06.04.2013, 02:32
This is a great piece of niche software. I'm working on ear training, and it is a great assistant for that. There's more to life than writing code for gamers, and people who write code that support real life work are to be congratulated. This code is a start for something really useful. Music is just as big an industry as software, if not bigger.
SlySoftware, 06.04.2013, 03:21
Thanks. I will be adding many features. As stated above, it will have a virtual keyboard that you'll be able to play around with. It will also be able to read MIDI sheet music, as well as play the note you are supposed to be tuning to. Thus allowing you to actually hear the pitch you are looking for.

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